Are you a classical instrumentalist or singer who wants to go to a great school – either a college or a conservatory – based on your musical ability?
If you said yes, please do yourself a favor and read on.
Ask Yourself These Questions
• Do you know how good you are, really? What are your weaknesses, in detail, and what are your strengths, compared to your peers across the country?
• Do you have what it takes to become an exceptional musician, to stand out from the crowd when the time comes? How are you supposed to know?
• Even if you knew exactly what to work on, do you know how to practice efficiently and effectively? Most musicians (even many professionals!) waste at least 80% of their practice time, and they’ll never become exceptional because of that fact.
• Do you know how to practice specifically to play your best under the pressure of an audition?
• Do you know what causes performance stress, and how to convert it into a fantastic performance instead of debilitating nerve symptoms?
• Do you know what the audition panel is listening for? Do you know all of the little traps that can hurt your chances of success?
• Do you know how to impress these decision-makers? Do you know how to pick the right repertoire for you?

If you don't know the answers,
Don't Worry
We recognize the critical need to understand these topics, so we've found a way to teach them all in just one weekend: coming this spring to Bentonville, Arkansas.

Musician Mastery Blueprint
An intensive, weekend-long clinic with Paul Haas and Terry Hicks. Coming to Thaden School in Bentonville Arkansas in Spring 2025. About the clinicians
If you are accepted into the “Musician Mastery Blueprint" weekend intensive, Paul Haas and Terry Hicks will give you the following invaluable information, aimed at making you a desirable candidate for the most competitive music programs in the country:
• You’ll receive a direct, honest assessment of your current musical ability relative to your peers across the country. You’ll learn what you’re doing well, as well as exactly what needs work.
• You’ll learn proven techniques to make your practicing much more efficient and effective.
• You’ll understand exactly the 9 steps you need to master in order to conquer performance pressure.
• You’ll figure out how to develop genuine talent inside yourself.
• You’ll learn exactly what audition committees are listening for. Paul will walk you through each one of the musical elements (rhythm, pitch, dynamics, articulation, tempo, tone color, phrasing, style, character) in depth, explaining in detail what is required to stand out from the competition.
• You’ll discover all the most common mistakes and pitfalls that get most young artists cut from auditions.
• You’ll play for Paul Haas or sing for Terry Hicks, both in a masterclass and in a private lesson.
• You’ll have access to Paul and Terry for three entire days, with the ability to take advantage of his decades of transformational work with some of the best young musicians in the United States.
• You’ll learn specific steps you can take to direct your life, and you’ll never again make the mistake of thinking that “life happens to me.”
Pricing -
In addition to partial scholarship, we are offering 4 full merit-based scholarships selected from auditionees
Early Bird Discount - Apply early for extra savings!
Fellow (Performers)
$ ̶7̶5̶0 (Original Price)
$ 500 (With Partial Scholarship)
$ 425 (Early Bird Savings)
Participant (Seminars only)
$ ̶4̶0̶0 (Original Price)
$ 250 (With Partial Scholarship)
Installment plan available
Limited Spots Available!
Hilary Respass
Executive Director, BU Tanglewood Institute
"Year after year at Boston University Tanglewood Institute, the concerts Paul Haas conducted were special and the student feedback exceptional. These
young artists grew beyond what they thought musically possible, and the result was extraordinary. Paul's artistry and understanding of young musicians who seek to advance is very distinctive. He's clear about what is needed to be his best as an artist and can help others do the same. I highly recommend working with Paul to find your best - musically and beyond!"
Kim D., Violinist
"I am certain that after going through the program and applying some of the techniques, I drastically improved my audition performance. How do I know this? Well, after [working with Paul], I took an audition for one of my dream orchestras, one with the highest number of applicants in any audition I’ve taken so far (over 300!!), and with my preparation, I was able to make it past the first round into the semi finals! I literally cried tears of joy when I found out."
Geena S., Violist
"The course covered every aspect of the preparation process, from what the committee is (actually!) looking for, all the way through hyper-effective practicing and scheduling. Finally, I learned incredible ways to train under pressure (including six different kinds of mock auditions!) that are already boosting my confidence. Honestly, I’m excited."